Gojira - Christian Andreu 26x17 Photo Print 2023 - Custom Edition: 10 Unframed


Gojira - Christian Andreu 26x17 Photo Print 2023 - Custom Edition: 10 Unframed


Title: “The Scorched Dragon”
Columbus, OH
Year: 2019
Print: 26x17 color digital inkjet print on Hahnemühle Metallic Photo Rag® Custom Edition: 10

Retail: $400 unframed prints #’s 2-10, $800 framed print #1 of 10
Notes: I tend to forgot crucial moments and shots when we’re on the road. Constantly editing, only to put photos in Dropbox and move on to the next assignment. I can’t tell you how many amazing photographs sit in Dropbox folders untouched. Sonic Temple back in 2019 with Gojira, it was the band’s first show back from a 10 month break, and it was windy that day. Talk about right place right time, and on the flip side of this photograph, wrong place wrong time. Christian ended up getting burned as a result of wrong place wrong time, and a very strong gust of wind during a pyro cue. I didn’t realize I got “the shot” until hours after the show looking through my camera roll. To be honest, didn’t even know he was burned until the show paused for a minute in- between songs. The smell of burning hair filled the back hallway directly after this song, and Christian, the legend that he is, got back on stage and finished the set with his face as red as a balloon. No serious burns, but this photo was the result of right place right time. He was literally engulfed in flames. This photo graced a few magazine inserts, and even made our tour passes with this photo for our next Europe tour following this show. This has to be one of my all time favorite photos I’ve ever taken

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